AHA BLS, ACLS, PALS, NRP, TNCC, & Instructor Classes in Lake Mary Longwood, FL (Near Orlando, FL)

2003 Longwood Lake Mary Rd, Suite 1015

Longwood, FL 32750


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Classes held 3-4 times a week! Check our calendar for available class dates/times!

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Top 5 Reasons to Become an AHA Instructor

If you’ve ever wondered “How do I become an AHA Instructor?” or “Is it worth it to become an AHA Instructor?”. The answer is simple – it’s easy to become an instructor, and yes! It’s totally worth it! We break down the top 5 reasons to become an AHA CPR Instructor today.

1. Make an Impact

aha instructor classes longwood orlando fl

This is probably the most obvious reason that anyone decides to become a CPR Instructor. You can literally change the outcome of someone’s life without ever meeting them! As an AHA Instructor, you’re teaching people cognitive knowledge and psychomotor lifesaving skills. There’s no better feeling than when a student contacts you to let you know how they were able to use what you taught them to save someone’s life! Being an AHA instructor also allows you to meet lots of new people and network with other instructors during the process.

“The ability to interact and help those in the medical community by providing quality AHA training to enhance patient care is without a doubt the best part of being an AHA instructor. But also the development of the amazing life-long friends I’ve made through teaching has been a wonderful bonus.”
- Matt McMahon, Owner & AHA Training Site Coordinator of TruCare Medical Training in Winter Park, FL

aha instructor classes longwood orlando fl

2. Make extra money

Whether your goal is to make being a CPR instructor your full-time job or a side gig – it’s still extra income which can quickly add up. The ease of becoming an instructor combined with the relatively low start-up cost makes teaching a no brainer for those looking to supplement their income. It’s simple to get started and if you enjoy teaching, you can combine your passion and skills to truly make a difference while still earning an income. You should never become an instructor just for the money though – you need to have the determination and a love for teaching or you’ll burn out very quickly!

3. You can't beat the flexibility!

aha instructor classes longwood orlando fl

The flexibility of being a CPR instructor is one of the main reasons why we see individuals choose to get certified as an instructor. You can set your own hours, teach classes anywhere you want, and make your schedule to fit your life. Tired of working weekends, nights, and/or holidays? As an AHA Instructor, you can schedule as few* or as many classes as you want (*as an AHA Instructor, you must teach at least 4 classes as a requirement to renew your instructor certification). Mid-Florida CPR is designated as a National AHA Training Center, so our instructors can teach across the entire United States. This makes it easy to continue to provide AHA classes, even if you live in another state or ever need to re-locate.

"As a husband and father, I wanted more quality time with my family and being an AHA Instructor has allowed me to be present for all those special moments in life I was missing out on due to the rigid schedule I was required to work at the hospital. Having a flexible schedule is without a doubt the best reason to become an AHA instructor.”
– Larry Rowe, Owner & AHA Training Site Coordinator of Hero CPR in Charlotte, NC

aha instructor classes longwood orlando fl

4. Variety is the spice of life!

There’s a wide array of individuals who need CPR training – from healthcare providers to laypersons. You’ll never teach two classes that are the exactly same! If you have a student who isn’t quite understanding the material or needs help with their skills, you have to find strategies to help them. No two students are identical and people have their own unique learning styles, ask different questions, and need varying levels of assistance.

At Mid-Florida CPR, we have plenty of resources to help you overcome any of these challenges – but the majority of these issues are easy to overcome with experience. Our instructors have access to a community instructor forum where they can network with other instructors and get advice about any problems you might have with your classes. We also offer a private, one-on-one instructor mentor program for a personalized in-depth assessment to help you improve as an instructor.

aha instructor classes longwood orlando fl

5. Opportunity for Growth

If you enjoy being an AHA instructor, there’s plenty of room to grow. At Mid-Florida CPR, we offer opportunities for advancement to become an official AHA Training Site (where you can manage your own group of instructors) and to become Training Center Faculty (where you can teach instructor level courses). Of course, you have to walk before you can run – so you should make sure you enjoy being an instructor before you even think about managing or training other instructors. AHA also has specific criteria for who can become a Training Site and Training Faculty but if that’s your goal, we’ll help you get there.

"I started out part time as an instructor and really loved it, so I ended up going full time after about a year & then I was able to move up to become Training Center Faculty and train new instructors! I love every aspect of being an instructor and being able to pass along that knowledge and passion to other instructors has given me so much fulfillment. I can never express enough gratitude for where I’m at today!" - Kimber Coslett, Training Center Faculty for Mid-Florida CPR

Still on the fence about whether you want to become an AHA Instructor? That’s okay! Being a AHA CPR instructor isn’t right for everyone – in fact, we have a list of 5 reasons NOT to become an AHA Instructor! Depending on your individual situation, it just may be the perfect solution to start a new career or even to just start a profitable side business. Learn more about how to get certified as an AHA Instructor today. Have questions about being an AHA Instructor? Leave us a comment below!

Mid-Florida CPR is an American Heart Association Training Center based in Longwood, FL (near Orlando) and supports hundreds of instructors across the nation who have invested in themselves and their communities – are you ready to join them? Register for an AHA instructor class today! Have questions for us? Let us know!

