Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

The Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) class is offered through the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). This course was designed to prepare healthcare providers with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and training needed to provide high-quality trauma nursing care. This course focuses on a systematic assessment through what is known as the Trauma Nursing Process (TNP). Additionally, the course focuses on rapid identification of life-threatening injuries. This course includes interactive lectures, lots of TNP practice scenarios, and online skills/exam testing.
Requirements for Class:
- You must be an RN to receive a TNCC verification. Non-RN’s may attend, but are not eligible to complete the exam or skills, however, may receive CEU’s.
- Obtain and read the 9th Edition TNCC textbook (required, included in course cost)
- Before class, you must complete the online TNCC Precourse Modules through ENA (these will be assigned to you after registration). This must be completed before the live Zoom session!
- You must register/pay for the class at least 30 days prior to class start. ENA limits how many students can be in each class so all course fees are non-refundable.
- You must attend the entire live Zoom session (link to join sent after registration). Note: Your camera and microphone must be on to participate in the class (this is an ENA requirement for virtual courses!).
- Pass the Trauma Nursing Process (TNP) Skills Test (during the Zoom session) with at least a 70%
- After the Zoom session, you must complete the online exam through ENA with a passing score of at least 80% within 7 days following your live Zoom session. If you do not pass on your first attempt, you are allowed a second attempt, however, both attempts must be made within the 7 days.
- Your TNCC Certificate is valid for four (4) years and is accessible through your ENA account.
TNCC Initial (1.5 Day) Course (VIRTUAL)
Day 1 is from 8a-4:30p and Day 2 is from 8a-12p
9th edition ENA TNCC textbook is required and included in course cost
You must complete the online ENA precourse modules at least 24 hours prior to course start
Please allow at least 24 hours for your registration to be processed and for us to assign you the required precourse modules
You must attend both the entire course (both days) virtually via Zoom with your camera and microphone on (this is an ENA requirement)
You must pass the TNP skills (conducted virtually via Zoom) with a score of 70%
You must pass the TNCC Exam within 7 days of course with a score of at least 80% (exam is 50 questions, online, and open book/open note)
Earn 19.5 CEU’s through ENA
TNCC Renewal (1 Day) Course (VIRTUAL)
This is a 1 Day Virtual Renewal Class from 8am-2:30pm
9th edition ENA TNCC textbook is required and included in course cost
You must complete the online ENA precourse modules at least 24 hours prior to course start
Please allow at least 24 hours for your registration to be processed and for us to assign you the required precourse modules
You must attend both the entire course virtually via Zoom with your camera and microphone on (this is an ENA requirement)
You must pass the TNP skills (conducted virtually via Zoom) with a score of 70%
You must pass the TNCC Exam within 7 days of course with a score of at least 80% (exam is 50 questions, online, and open book/open note)
Earn 13.75 CEU’s through ENA
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Are your TNCC classes completely virtual?
A: Yes! This course is held virtually via Zoom. Make sure you have downloaded the Zoom platform prior to the day of your course, ensure you can log in, and that both your camera/audio are working. You must be on camera for the entire course – this is an ENA requirement. The link to join the Zoom meeting will be sent in your confirmation email after registration.
Q: Can anyone take this course?
A: This course is designed for RN’s who work with or will be working and caring for trauma patients. It is expected that learners have generic nursing knowledge, understand medical terminology, and are familiar with standard emergency equipment. Non-RN’s may take this course but are not eligible to complete testing or attain TNCC Provider verification. All participants can complete an evaluation through ENA to obtain nursing professional development contact hours.
Q: What do I need to do before the live, virtual class?
A: You must complete the ENA precourse modules prior to the day of your class. We also highly recommend that you read your 9th edition TNCC Provider textbook.
Q: Do I have to buy the textbook?
A: Yes, all students must have their own copy of the latest (9th) edition TNCC Provider textbook. The cost of the textbook is included in the course cost. You will need this to study and you can use it on the exam.
Q: How does the skills testing work?
A: Skills testing is conducted virtually and individually. The instructor will provide a TNP scenario and the student will perform the TNP assessment. We practice the TNP process many times throughout the course so this isn’t as stressful as it sounds! By the time we get to the end of the course and you need to perform the TNP testing, most students feel adequately prepared!
Q: How does the exam work?
A: After you pass your virtual skills testing, the instructor will enter your scores into the course and you will be able to start the online exam. You have seven (7) days to take the exam. If you do not pass on the first attempt, you are allowed one (1) remediation attempt to take the exam a second time. If you do not pass the second time, you will need to re-enroll in another course. The exam is open book/open note. ENA does not permit extensions for exam testing time – please make sure you have adequate time to complete the online exam after the virtual class.
Have questions about the TNCC Course? Feel free to contact us!